
Facebook, Twitter, & Leftovers

Social Media usually synonymous with Social Networking-sloppy speaking people!
The Daily Show - Trend Spotting: Social Networking.
Speaking of connection and isolation...
Allow you to have different strengths of relationships and to manage these more easily. Data mining has become much easier to allow visualisation of data.
Open Source app development allows users to generate the site they actually want - people will use the site more because it can do what they want to do. It also means that the devs of the owning company don't have to do all the development. Also reduces the need for main devs to devise new apps - crowd sources innovation.
How do we get people to do things on our site?

More people on your site means you can get more money from advertising through greater exposure and ability to charge more. But just because people see our adverts does not mean they are more effective-particularly in Social Media where users are used to filtering out ads.
Encourages accuracy but also allows you to be not quite as accurate as you should.

No necessary reciprocity - which is a good thing you don't have to feel like you need to keep up a "friendship" but can let people think what they will.
Have a habit of slipping things in to see if people like them - yet this can be not so good see the retweet feature.
Traditional media takes longer to break news because they have stricter standards to follow; they need to do more research before they can print a story.
Provides weak connections.
Tweetdeck - and other apps - allow you to order the torrents of information.


Unknown said...

Always interesting to see what people take away from classes. Note that the class next Wednesday will clarify social networks and differing strengths of relationships in virtual communities.

Neal Barber said...

Thanks for commenting Andrew! I think one of the good things about using Social Media is that there is a much more reciprocal feedback loop between tutor and student. This is good for the tutor - in that they do not have to wait until the end of the course to get feedback on their teaching - but also for the student since, if their public material makes it obvious they did understand the topic, the tutor can provide them with guidance so they learn better. Of course, if there are multiple sources of what the students took from a lesson then the tutor can also see that they were/were not effective and so change their teaching style. In short: blogs are great for reflective practice!