
Completion of Class 2: A Further Primer on Social Media

Twitter and 3rd Party Sites
API  = filter allowing 3rd party sites to access the data on their terms.
*find 3rd Party Site that uses API to re-present twitter data and post in wiki

Audio-Visual Sharing
Location organisation allows greater discovery of your content.

Tend to get dis-organised: hence not a good institutional DAMS (Digital Asset Management System).

Discussion Fora
Require management and control over content which members MUST provide.

Life Stream Aggregators
Create aggregated identity on-line.
Are these good if you are constructing different on-line identities for different purposes?

Location Sharing
Game-like initiatives sound rather...American: "Super User."

Virtual Worlds
Second Life can be an empty experience because there is no purpose or focus.

Authentication for multiple accounts becomes so immense one almost needs an IAMS (Identity and Access Management System): so social media services are creating their own IAMS.
Need to be aware that everyone is always watching - do I hear shades of Bentham and Foucault? - so you need to be comfortable with your level of involvement.
One also needs to be aware that services can disappear with your content for little reason and with great immediacy.
Often, you sign away many of the rights you have to your content when you put them on a social media service so it pays to always read the small-print.
It is tiring maintaining your on-line identities - particularly when you have multiple identities or aspects of your identity that you want to hide from some social media services.

Cloud Computing
Means that catastrophic system-failure is protected by over-redundancy. Yet there are also issues with data security (see Patriot Act).

Simply: from static, simple, and dated to dynamic, rich and immediate.

Copyright Moral Dilemma: Is it morally wrong to access TV shows via torrent?

TVNZ worried that On-Demand would reduce ratings but it seems to have increased them; allowing people grater access increases grater word of mouth.

Crowd sources designs: also means there is a guarenteed market since the market decides on which ones they want to buy before the product goes on sale.
An engaged community will advertise your product for you further reducing your overheads.

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